Ready to go?
On-Boarding Process
1. Observe a Sunday with us
Come and join us behind the scenes one weekend! We will show you around and what it is that we do each week as part of the production team. You'll leave our time together with an understanding of how our processes work, get to know some of the team, and hopefully leave with a desire to volunteer with us.
2. Training
Once we talk through and find the best position for you to serve, we will start training. Depending on the position and your knowledge, coming in will determine how much training you will need to feel comfortable in your position. We will do our best to get you side-by-side with someone who has experience in that position to train you to be fully equipped and ready before being on your own.
3. Serve
Typically, after a few training sessions and you are comfortable with the position, you are ready to serve! This is the best part as you will continue to grow your knowledge each week you volunteer with us.
Serving FAQs
How often can I serve?
Our goal is to have all of our team serving once every 2 weeks, but we are willing to work with your schedule! Some choose to serve every week while others serve once a month.
What times would I serve on Sundays?
We offer two times to serve on Sundays with our Choir and Orchestra led gathering at 9:30AM, and our Worship Team and Band led gathering at 11:00AM.
What do I wear while serving?
For anyone serving in the Worship Center, we ask that you wear dark tops with black pants or dark jeans. This is very important for our Stage Team, Gimbal Camera Ops, and on stage Handheld Camera Ops as we want to “blend” in with our environment by not wearing something bright or distracting to the audience in the room or at home. For your safety, you’ll want to wear close toed shoes working on and around the stage.
How can I prepare for Sunday mornings?
Preparing for the worship gathering is essential, but it doesn’t take long. We ask that you listen and get to know the songs we’ll be singing for the worship gathering you will be serving in. You can easily do that through our scheduling software once you are on the team. We will also have occasional team trainings and hang outs that are not required, but helpful and fun for everyone that can attend.
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