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Extending the good news from Woodstock to the World

Are you ready to join the mission?

Mission at Woodstock is about connecting people to what God is doing in the church, in our community, and around the world.

In the Church

Serving Opportunities

Find a place to use your gifts and abilities to support and encourage others right here at First Woodstock!

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In the Community

Local Opportunities

You can make a difference by investing your time in support of our community. Start serving today!

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In the World

National & International

Join a short-term mission project or learn about becoming a missionary who shares the gospel in a global harvest field!

Mission ProjectsBecome a Missionary

Learn about our National & International Partnerships

Hover over each area to learn more about Woodstock’s national and global opportunities.

FBCW works closely with Chris and Laurie Finchum and City Walk Church by providing prayer, personal encouragement, financing, strategic projects, and critical ministry input. We are committed to mobilize, equip, and send short-term teams and long-term laborers to advance the work.


FBCW works closely with Robby and Kim Pitt (The Peak Church) and Chris Phillips (Journey Point Church) by providing prayer, personal encouragement, financing, strategic projects, and critical ministry input. We are committed to mobilize, equip, and send short-term teams and long-term laborers to advance the work.


FBCW works closely with Darryl and Veronica Brunson and Expedition Church by providing prayer, personal encouragement, financing, strategic projects, and critical ministry input. We are committed to mobilize, equip, and send short-term teams and long-term laborers to advance the work.

Dominican Republic

We labor together with our field partners in the Dominican Republic to see disciples made and reproducing churches planted. Though there are many believers in the Dominican Republic, most have never been down a path of biblical discipleship. The vision of our field partner, and of our church, is to see this nation to become a sending base throughout the Americas and to the Muslim world.


We work with FBCW missionaries Ludie and Barbara Creech, planting churches in and around Longford, Ireland.


We work with Great Commission partners and national church planters to facilitate a church planting movement throughout North India and southern Nepal.


We partner together with Shiogama Bible Baptist Church to facilitate discipleship and church planting


We carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Lebanon for the purpose of seeing lives changed and communities transformed.


We partner with missionaries in London to advance their strategic goals of engaging, discipling and church planting. In this new partnership, Woodstock will work with field personnel to advance these goals through strategic projects.

Northeast United States

FBCW works closely with Ben Whittinghill (River Town Church) and Dean Mabry (Ilion Community Church) by providing prayer, personal encouragement, financing, strategic projects, and critical ministry input. We are committed to mobilize, equip, and send short-term teams and long-term laborers to advance the work.

North Africa

FBCW works in close partnership with our North Africa Team to provide prayer, financing, strategic projects, and critical ministry input. We are committed to mobilize, equip, and send short-term and long-term laborers to advance the work in North Africa.


We minister to the Kurds of North Central Asia. The Yezdi Kurds have a male dominant society where women do most of the labors of the work. Religious beliefs are both Islam and ancient religious practices of Zoastrianism. We work with our partner to engage remote villages as well as urban areas with refugees


We are working with our field partners to engage this unreached people group of approximately 30 million who have been persecuted for thousands of years.


Our ministry includes encouragement, teaching, youth camps, sports marathons & construction. The focus of our ministry is to encourage the people of Portugal, support our field partner through prayer, financial giving, and service, and to love and demonstrate “Kingdom Living” to the people of Portugal.


Our missionary in Poland, Pat, works to partner with national believers in order to establish reproducing churches. Two churches have already been established, and a third launch team has begun in the town of Legnica where they are with God’s help, forming a center where families’ lives can be touched wholistically (physically, mentally, emotionally, and of course spiritually). Relationships are developed through language classes, discussion and game clubs, sports and youth ministries, events such as ladies’ tea, Gospel workshops, VBS, and through Bible studies.

South France

We partner with missionaries in southern France to advance their strategic goals of engaging, discipling and church planting. In this new partnership, Woodstock will work with field personnel to advance these goals through strategic projects, prayer and focused giving.

Southeast Asia – Batik Crossroads

We partner with missionaries and their teams to facilitate a far-reaching vision of discipleship and church planting, particularly in areas of business development, tourism development, and social media engagement. The end of all these labors is gospel sharing, disciple-making and church planting.

Southeast Asia – Island of Buffalo and Sharia

We partner our missionaries sent out by FBC Woodstock to facilitate a far-reaching vision of discipleship and church planting, particularly utilizing tourism and business development as a means to build access to these peoples

Southeast Asia – Land of 10,000 Pagodas

We partner with missionaries and their team to facilitate a far-reaching vision of discipleship and church planting, particularly in areas of business development and community health.

South Africa


The Ministry

Chris and Laurie Finchum lead City Walk Church. They have a great volunteer leadership team that is active in helping build momentum with church gatherings. (70-80 in attendance.)

Our Partnership
FBCW works closely with Chris and Laurie Finchum and City Walk Church by providing prayer, personal encouragement, financing, strategic projects, and critical ministry input. We are committed to mobilize, equip, and send short-term teams and long-term laborers to advance the work.

Please pray for:

  • A Partnership Leader and Leadership Team
  • Continued favor with the local community
  • Continued creativity for online and in person gatherings and encouragement
  • That the church family will stay connected and grow in the faith during difficult times
  • That the church family will continue to engage with and invite neighbors
  • That a local church building will become available in Edgwater for their first church plant (2024)

Contact: Wes Lecroy

Email WesCall Wes

Disaster Relief

The Vision
Impacting the world for Jesus Christ through meeting the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of the people when disaster strikes

The Ministry
We serve mankind by providing and coordinating loving assistance to people in need as a result of hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes, man-made calamities and other such circumstances. Our desire is to be the obedient servants in response to God’s direction to educate, encourage, and engage our people to respond to disasters wherever in the world in the spirit of God’s grace and mercy.

Servant work with our team does not require past experience or expertise in equipment. Our volunteers are from all age groups. Everyone can serve. Here are some opportunities to join God in His ministry to those who have experienced disasters:

  • Sharing God’s word with people in the communities where we serve
  • Showing practically the Love of God to people in the midst of disaster
  • Clearing debris from homeowner’s yards
  • Clearing fallen trees
  • Cleaning flooded homes

To register as a volunteer and to be notified when serving opportunities arise please email Wes LeCroy.

Disaster Relief Partnership Advocate: Wes LeCroy

Email WesLearn More

Dominican Republic

The Ministry
We labor together with our field partners in the Dominican Republic to see disciples made and reproducing churches planted. Though there are many believers in the Dominican Republic, most have never been down a path of biblical discipleship. The vision of our field partner, and of our church, is to see this nation to become a sending base throughout the Americas and to the Muslim world.

Our Partnership
We partner with missionaries sent out of FBC Woodstock by sending strategic teams and resources that advance our shared vision.

Here are some opportunities to join in the ministry to the Dominican Republic:

  • Join the emerging team of leaders within our church to develop resources and future teams to serve on the field.
  • If you have gifts in teaching and equipping, come and join in those teaching opportunities with teams. It would be especially beneficial if you have fluency in Spanish!
  • Explore areas with us in medical, educational and business opportunities that will open up brand new areas of work in the Dominican Republic.

Dominican Republic Partnership Leader: Ken Lassiter

Email Ken


The Ministry
Our mission is to support taking the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to Ireland . We also want to challenge and train believers to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ who will make disciples and plant churches in Ireland.

Our Partnership
We work with FBCW missionaries Ludie and Barbara Creech, planting churches in and around Longford, Ireland.

Here are some opportunities to join God in His ministry in Ireland:

  • Support the Creech’s in their missions work in Ireland via supplies and resources
  • connecting FBCW and the Creech’s.
  • Participate in short –term mission projects that support the strategic ministry
  • Join in the developing partnership team at FBC Woodstock

Ireland Partnership Leader: Jey Willis

Email Jey


The Ministry
Our partners facilitate the planting of churches through the training and equipping of national church planters.

We minister in North India to train and equip local leaders and provide in-depth Biblical teaching to the pastors and church planters. In a country predominantly practicing Hinduism, many local pastors experience persecution, so the teaching and encouragement is extremely important to their growth and fruitfulness in ministry.

Our Partnership
We work with Great Commission partners and national church planters to facilitate a church planting movement throughout North India and southern Nepal.

Here are some opportunities to join God in His ministry to India:

  • If you have the gift mix of teaching, encouragement and discipleship, we would love to have you join us.
  • We need believers who have a passion and a gift for encouraging other believers.
  • We also need businessmen who can provide both training and support in the establishment of the mirco-businesses which enables these national church planters to support themselves.
  • As God allows, we typically have two projects per year, one in the first quarter, and another in the third quarter. Come join us and see what God is doing in this truly amazing country.

India Partnership Leader: Philip

Email Philip


The Ministry

  • We organize and support various events which SBBC plans as outreach to the people in the community, ESL class students and their families.
  • Spread the Good News to lost people in Japan by supporting workers who are partnering with SBBC and other missionaries in the area.
  • We work together with Shiogama Bible Baptist Church in their various ministries to the people of Sendai, Japan as well as their house church plants in the area.

Our Partnership
We partner together with Shiogama Bible Baptist Church to facilitate discipleship and church planting.

Join us on a short-term mission project to minister to brothers/sisters and lost people in Sendai, Japan.

  • We host ESL students during their spring break to Christian homes in Woodstock.
  • Visit the Japanese church in Roswell to gain an understanding of their culture, build relationships with the people, and look for opportunities to serve them.
  • Gifts and Skills needed for the ministry
  • Japanese Language is a huge plus of course but not required.
  • Love, acceptance and respect for people of a different culture.
  • Giftedness in ESL class, crafts, drama, games, sports (baseball or soccer).
  • Ability to be a servant and a team player.
  • Willingness to engage people.

Japan Partnership Leader: Tomo Shaw

Email Tomo


The Ministry
We minister to the Kurds in two different countries of Central Asia. Our partnership helps facilitate the multiplication of disciples and planting of churches in the following ways:

  • Assisting our partners with medical clinics
  • Teaching God’s word to new believers.
  • Development of local church and group leaders
  • Encourage our field partners.
  • Small businesses start-ups for helping our church planters in their work.

Our Partnership
We minister to the Kurds of North Central Asia. The Yezdi Kurds have a male dominant society where women do most of the labors of the work. Religious beliefs are both Islam and ancient religious practices of Zoastrianism. We work with our partner to engage remote villages as well as urban areas with refugees

Here are some opportunities to join God in His ministry to North Central Asia:

  • Work with our Core Team to advocate for the Kurds
  • We need prayer warriors to lift up the Kurds before the throne
  • Volunteers to assist during medical projects
  • Ministry projects in remote villages for purposes of encouragement and discipleship
  • Volunteers to encourage the believers during teaching seminar projects.
  • Volunteers to encourage the field partners and church planters.

Kurds Partnership Leaders: Eric & Jill Dell

Email EricEmail Jill


The Ministry
We carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Lebanon for the purpose of seeing lives changed and communities transformed.

There are at least 19 different sects of People groups in Lebanon. Some of the more prominent ones are: Sunnis, Shiite, Druze, Maronites, Greek Orthodox, and Armenian Orthodox. Our work over the years has expanded from the streets of Beirut to the southern region, and to the fertile agricultural fields of the Bekaa Valley. We are reaching out to the many different religious sects and cultures of Lebanon (Christian, Muslim, and Orthodox). The fields are wide open. We hope to provide children’s programs and medical teams in the future.

Here are some opportunities to join God in His ministry to Lebanon:

  • English Teachers (short term and long term) to work among Syrian Refugees
  • Graphic Designer (short term and long term)
  • Website Developer
  • Home and street evangelism
  • Bible distribution
  • Humanitarian projects
  • Women’s and men’s programs
  • Prayer walking

Lebanon Partnership Leader: Doug Whitney

Email Doug


Brunson Family

The Ministry
Darryl and Veronica Brunson lead Expedition Church. They have engaged the local community through service projects to build relationships and connect people to the church. Hunger and employment are areas of great need. Livingston is a small town of 8,000-10,000 people. Expedition is also working with small churches in other towns to succeed.

Our Partnership
FBCW works closely with Darryl and Veronica Brunson and Expedition Church by providing prayer, personal encouragement, financing, strategic projects, and critical ministry input. We are committed to mobilize, equip, and send short-term teams and long-term laborers to advance the work.

Please pray for:

  • A Partnership Leader and Leadership Team
  • Continued favor with the local community
  • Continued creativity for online and in person gatherings and encouragement
  • That the church family will stay connected and grow in the faith during difficult times
  • That the church family will continue to engage with and invite neighbors to Expedition

Contact: Wes Lecroy

Email WesCall Wes

Northeast US

Whittinghill Family

Mabry Family

The Ministry


Our Partner Ben Whittinghill leads River Town Church. They have engaged the local community through service projects to build relationships and connect people to the church.

New York

Our Partner Dean Mabry leads Ilion Community Church. They have engaged the local community to build relationships and connect people to the church.

Our Partnership
FBCW works closely with Ben Whittinghill (River Town Church) and Dean Mabry (Ilion Community Church) by providing prayer, personal encouragement, financing, strategic projects, and critical ministry input. We are committed to mobilize, equip, and send short- term teams and long-term laborers to advance the work.

Please pray for:

  • A Partnership Leader and Leadership Team
  • God to grant favor with the local community
  • Continued creativity for online gatherings and encouragement
  • That the church family will stay connected and grow in the faith during difficult times
  • That the church family will continue to engage with and invite neighbors

Contact: Wes Lecroy

Email WesCall Wes

North Africa

The Ministry
The North Africa Team has a vision to see healthy disciples, leaders, and churches multiplying among the nations of North Africa and among their diaspora in Western Europe. This region is considered the greatest gap in Church planting globally and represents over 110,000,000 Muslims from 88 Unreached People Groups. The North Africa Team is strategically engaging the lost, training and coaching believers across the region, and developing a network of like-minded laborers towards the fulfillment of the Great Commission in this region.

Our Partnership
FBCW works in close partnership with our North Africa Team to provide prayer, financing, strategic projects, and critical ministry input. We are committed to mobilize, equip, and send short-term and long-term laborers to advance the work in North Africa.

The people of FBCW have multiple opportunities to connect with this partnership in reaching the people groups of North Africa. Through committed prayer, financial giving, short-term trips, or long-term commitments, there are multiple ways to make an eternal impact for the kingdom of God. From students to senior adults, examples of Gospel sharing projects involve platforms such as arts, business, women ministry, and tourism. Contact us to learn more about project opportunities or becoming part of the partnership.

North Africa Partnership Leader John Keown

Email John


The Ministry

The ministry involves prayer (from a distance and/or walking in the land), development and distribution of the scriptures, evangelism, discipleship church planting, and some resourcing as appropriate. All of this is accomplished with field partners as main workers to sustain the vision and implementation of the work.

Prayer for a movement of God among the people group. Creating awareness and advocacy for the long term work.

Consistency in advocating for the work and keeping to the very difficult long term vision.

Our Partnership

We are working with our field partners to engage this unreached people group of approximately 30 million who have been persecuted for thousands of years.


Here are some opportunities to join God in His ministry to South Central Asia:

  • Join in the 7 day or 31 day prayer focus.
  • Participate with the core leadership team advocating for the work.
  • Reach out to the UPG who also live in the Woodstock area.
  • Participate on a short-term project.

We need multiple individuals with different skill sets and spiritual gifts:

  • Dental/Medical Professionals.
  • Athletic Teachers and Coaches.
  • Those with focuses on women from abusive homes and marriages.
  • Anyone with a desire to pray/walk and distribute gospel materials.
Email Persian Partnership Leader


Our Vision
The vision for the ministry is to assist Nationals in Church Planting efforts throughout Portugal and to develop leaders that will carry the Gospel back to their Portuguese-speaking countries throughout Africa.

The Ministry
Our ministry includes encouragement, teaching, youth camps, sports marathons & construction. The focus of our ministry is to encourage the people of Portugal and support our field partner though prayer, financial giving and service. To love & demonstrate “Kingdom Living” to the people of Portugal.

Our Partnership
Since 2000, we have partnered with Word of Life Portugal.

Here are some opportunities to join God in His ministry to Portugal:

  • Anyone who is willing to serve the Lord by loving others.
  • Anyone willing to teach and encourage young people.
  • Sports program volunteers.
  • Skilled general contractors, painters, plumbers & electricians.
  • Unskilled volunteer men, women & children to help with smaller projects.

Portugal Partnership Leader: Mark Cambron

Email Mark


The Ministry
As less than 0.2% of Poles are evangelical Christians, we are laboring to engage the unreached in Poland.

Our missionary in Poland, Pat, works to partner with national believers in order to establish reproducing churches. Two churches have already been established, and a third launch team has begun in the town of Legnica where they are with God’s help, forming a center where families’ lives can be touched wholistically (physically, mentally, emotionally, and of course spiritually). Relationships are developed through language classes, discussion and game clubs, sports and youth ministries, events such as ladies’ tea, Gospel workshops, VBS, and through Bible studies.

Our Partnership
A member of our FBCW faith family, Pat, has been partnering with SEND International and serving in Poland for the past 21 years.

Pat builds bridges to the Gospel by the friends she makes at the language school held at the Lubin Baptist Church and at our facility in Legnica. This year before the official registration has begun there are over 250 students from age 4 to nearly age 60. Through these friendships, Pat enjoys hanging out over a cup of coffee, tea, or a meal and sharing Christ and the difference He has made in her life. As these friendships deepen her students share their heartfelt needs and she has the privilege of praying with these students. She also has the opportunity to disciple women and see them grow in their walk with the Lord.

Because of the events in Ukraine, the team in Legnica has had the opportunity to house Ukrainian women and children. Some of the women have given their lives to Jesus. Pat along with other team members is discipling not only through walking daily with them but having a midweek meeting in the Word to help the ladies in their spiritual journey.

Pat would love to see others at FBCW excited about what God is doing in Poland. If you love sharing your faith or helping others grow in their walk and multiply themselves or if you are gifted in training leaders, please prayerfully consider how God may want to use you in Poland through your gifts and talents.

Prayer Requests

  • That God would protect new believers and churches against rampant false teachings.
  • Over the last 20 years, people have been praying for Legnica, but no church has been started. The team has a desire to see God bringing light and building His church in Lubin and Legnica.
  • The field needs English teachers (These are needed both in Lubin and Legnica). This is a great need at the moment and a great way for us to have contact with people and be able to share God’s love with families and individuals.
  • Satan’s attacks on missionaries and members of the church, using things like depression and panic attacks.

Poland Partnership Leader: Sue Schultz

Email Sue

South France

The Ministry
We are working with our field partners in southern France as they build a training and discipleship network focused on North African immigrants. These people groups are some of the largest remaining in north Africa. Our partner workers in southern France have a unique opportunity to engage these people aggressively with the Gospel, disciple new believers and deploy them back to their home countries.

Our Partnership
We partner with missionaries in southern France to advance their strategic goals of engaging, discipling and church planting. In this new partnership, Woodstock will work with field personnel to advance these goals through strategic projects, prayer and focused giving.

Here are some opportunities to join in the ministry from France to North Africa:

  • Join the emerging team of leaders within our church to develop resources and future teams to serve on the field.
  • If you have gifts in teaching, equipping, and evangelism, come and join in those teaching opportunities with teams.
  • Explore areas with us to help our field missionaries in areas of resource development and prayer.
  • Have your Sunday School / Small Group join with the France to North Africa leadership team to support our partners in Southern France through prayer, financially, logistically and lovingly.

South France Partnership Leaders: Sam Warner

Email SamCall Sam

Southeast Asia–Batik Crossroads

The Ministry
In this country that is a crossroads of many Asian cultures, we are partnering with teams that engaging an unreached Muslim people group of 14,000,000. Through business and tourism development, education and social media engagement, this team is laboring to access this people with less than 20 known believers.

Our Partnership
We partner with missionaries and their teams to facilitate a far-reaching vision of discipleship and church planting, particularly in areas of business development, tourism development, and social media engagement. The end of all these labors is gospel sharing, disciple-making and church planting.

Here are some opportunities to join in the ministry among this Muslim people group:

  • Join the developing team of leaders within our church to develop resources and future teams to serve on the field.
  • If you have experience and gifts in the areas of business development, social media and website development, or would like to be a part of a tourism team to pray and share the gospel, we would like to talk to you! Work with our us as we develop teams that will assist our field partners to develop deeper access into this very resistant people group.
  • Become a prayer partner and educate your small group or Sunday school group about the needs and opportunities of this partnership.

Southeast Asia Partnership Leader: Shannon Salyer

Email Shannon

Southeast Asia–Island of Buffalo and Sharia

The Ministry
Our partners live on the largest island in the largest Muslim country in the world. They are actively engaging one unreached people group who has a deep cultural reverence for water buffalo, while the other distinguishes itself by being one of the most radical Islamic people living under strict sharia law. Our partners are seeking to share the gospel, make disciples and plant churches in this difficult environment. Their main mode of access is through tourism development, business training and relief of human needs.

Our Partnership
We partner our missionaries sent out by FBC Woodstock to facilitate a far-reaching vision of discipleship and church planting, particularly utilizing tourism and business development as a means to build access to these peoples

Here are some opportunities to join in the ministry among these Muslim peoples:

  • Join the developing team of leaders within our church to develop resources and future teams to serve on the field.
  • If you have experience and gifts in the areas of business development or would like to be a part of a strategic tourism team focused on gospel sharing, we invite you to work with us as we develop teams that will assist our field partners to develop deeper access into these very resistant people group.
  • Become a prayer partner and educate your small group or Sunday school group about the needs and opportunities of this partnership.

Southeast Asia Partnership Leader: Cliff Fortenberry

Email Cliff

Southeast Asia–Land of 10,000 Pagodas

The Ministry
Our partners are laboring to plant reproducing churches among one of the largest unreached Buddhist people groups in the world. We are sending resources and teams to facilitate their vision of going deeply into this people of over 30,000,000 people in desperate need of the Gospel.

Our Partnership
We partner with missionaries and their team to facilitate a far-reaching vision of discipleship and church planting, particularly in areas of business development and community health.

Here are some opportunities to join in the ministry among this Buddhist people group:

  • Join the developing team of leaders within our church to develop resources and future teams to serve on the field.
  • If you have experience and gifts in the areas of business development and community health, work with our us as we develop teams that will assist our field partners to develop deeper access into this very resistant people group.
  • Become a prayer partner and educate your small group or Sunday school group about the needs and opportunities of this partnership.

Southeast Asia Partnership Leader: Tyler Peeler

Email Tyler

Sports Platform

The Ministry

Go anywhere from Woodstock to the World, and you’ll find some type of athletic activity in the community. Sports are a platform that breaks down barriers and allows people to interact and have real conversations.

You can join us in helping people find and follow Jesus through sports!

Hundreds of students participate in our Woodstock sports ministry every year. We offer soccer, basketball, and cheerleading for all ages. You can minister to these players and their families as a coach, referee, or volunteer.

  • Coaches: Invest in students with one practice and one game a week.
  • Referees: Keep the games in order and encourage the students as they play.

Open Gym: By helping facilitate an open gym time during the week, you can invest in the lives of men from outside our church community. Short devotions are shared at all open gyms to help men find and follow Jesus.

For more information, visit or email

Each year, you can go on a sports-focused mission project to places like California, the Dominican Republic, Canada, Hungary, or Japan.

Use your love for sports to connect with people and share the love of Jesus!

For more information, visit or contact

Email WesLearn More


The Ministry

Chris and Laurie Finchum lead City Walk Church. They have a great volunteer leadership team that is active in helping build momentum with church gatherings. (70-80 in attendance.)

Our Partnership
FBCW works closely with Chris and Laurie Finchum and City Walk Church by providing prayer, personal encouragement, financing, strategic projects, and critical ministry input. We are committed to mobilize, equip, and send short-term teams and long-term laborers to advance the work.

Please pray for:

  • A Partnership Leader and Leadership Team
  • Continued favor with the local community
  • Continued creativity for online and in person gatherings and encouragement
  • That the church family will stay connected and grow in the faith during difficult times
  • That the church family will continue to engage with and invite neighbors
  • That a local church building will become available in Edgewater for their first church plant (2024)

Contact: Wes Lecroy

Email WesCall Wes

Disaster Relief

The Vision
Impacting the world for Jesus Christ through meeting the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of the people when disaster strikes

The Ministry
We serve mankind by providing and coordinating loving assistance to people in need as a result of hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes, man-made calamities and other such circumstances. Our desire is to be the obedient servants in response to God’s direction to educate, encourage, and engage our people to respond to disasters wherever in the world in the spirit of God’s grace and mercy.

Servant work with our team does not require past experience or expertise in equipment. Our volunteers are from all age groups. Everyone can serve. Here are some opportunities to join God in His ministry to those who have experienced disasters:

  • Sharing God’s word with people in the communities where we serve
  • Showing practically the Love of God to people in the midst of disaster
  • Clearing debris from homeowner’s yards
  • Clearing fallen trees
  • Cleaning flooded homes

To register as a volunteer and to be notified when serving opportunities arise please email Wes LeCroy.

Disaster Relief Partnership Advocate: Wes LeCroy

Email WesLearn More

Dominican Republic

The Ministry
We labor together with our field partners in the Dominican Republic to see disciples made and reproducing churches planted. Though there are many believers in the Dominican Republic, most have never been down a path of biblical discipleship. The vision of our field partner, and of our church, is to see this nation to become a sending base throughout the Americas and to the Muslim world.

Our Partnership
We partner with missionaries sent out of FBC Woodstock by sending strategic teams and resources that advance our shared vision.

Here are some opportunities to join in the ministry to the Dominican Republic:

  • Join the emerging team of leaders within our church to develop resources and future teams to serve on the field.
  • If you have gifts in teaching and equipping, come and join in those teaching opportunities with teams. It would be especially beneficial if you have fluency in Spanish!
  • Explore areas with us in medical, educational and business opportunities that will open up brand new areas of work in the Dominican Republic.

Dominican Republic Partnership Leader: Ken Lassiter

Email Ken


The Ministry
Our mission is to support taking the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to Ireland . We also want to challenge and train believers to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ who will make disciples and plant churches in Ireland.

Our Partnership
We work with FBCW missionaries Ludie and Barbara Creech, planting churches in and around Longford, Ireland.

Here are some opportunities to join God in His ministry in Ireland:

  • Support the Creech’s in their missions work in Ireland via supplies and resources
  • connecting FBCW and the Creech’s.
  • Participate in short –term mission projects that support the strategic ministry
  • Join in the developing partnership team at FBC Woodstock

Ireland Partnership Leader: Jey Willis

Email Jey


The Ministry
Our partners facilitate the planting of churches through the training and equipping of national church planters.

We minister in North India to train and equip local leaders and provide in-depth Biblical teaching to the pastors and church planters. In a country predominantly practicing Hinduism, many local pastors experience persecution, so the teaching and encouragement is extremely important to their growth and fruitfulness in ministry.

Our Partnership
We work with Great Commission partners and national church planters to facilitate a church planting movement throughout North India and southern Nepal.

Here are some opportunities to join God in His ministry to India:

  • If you have the gift mix of teaching, encouragement and discipleship, we would love to have you join us.
  • We need believers who have a passion and a gift for encouraging other believers.
  • We also need businessmen who can provide both training and support in the establishment of the mirco-businesses which enables these national church planters to support themselves.
  • As God allows, we typically have two projects per year, one in the first quarter, and another in the third quarter. Come join us and see what God is doing in this truly amazing country.

India Partnership Leader: Philip Caldwell

Email Phllip


The Ministry

  • We organize and support various events which SBBC plans as outreach to the people in the community, ESL class students and their families.
  • Spread the Good News to lost people in Japan by supporting workers who are partnering with SBBC and other missionaries in the area.
  • We work together with Shiogama Bible Baptist Church in their various ministries to the people of Sendai, Japan as well as their house church plants in the area.

Our Partnership
We partner together with Shiogama Bible Baptist Church to facilitate discipleship and church planting.

Join us on a short-term mission project to minister to brothers/sisters and lost people in Sendai, Japan.

  • We host ESL students during their spring break to Christian homes in Woodstock.
  • Visit the Japanese church in Roswell to gain an understanding of their culture, build relationships with the people, and look for opportunities to serve them.
  • Gifts and Skills needed for the ministry
  • Japanese Language is a huge plus of course but not required.
  • Love, acceptance and respect for people of a different culture.
  • Giftedness in ESL class, crafts, drama, games, sports (baseball or soccer).
  • Ability to be a servant and a team player.
  • Willingness to engage people.

Japan Partnership Leader: Tomo Shaw

Email Tomo


The Ministry
We minister to the Kurds in two different countries of Central Asia. Our partnership helps facilitate the multiplication of disciples and planting of churches in the following ways:

  • Assisting our partners with medical clinics
  • Teaching God’s word to new believers.
  • Development of local church and group leaders
  • Encourage our field partners.
  • Small businesses start-ups for helping our church planters in their work.

Our Partnership
We minister to the Kurds of North Central Asia. The Yezdi Kurds have a male dominant society where women do most of the labors of the work. Religious beliefs are both Islam and ancient religious practices of Zoastrianism. We work with our partner to engage remote villages as well as urban areas with refugees

Here are some opportunities to join God in His ministry to North Central Asia:

  • Work with our Core Team to advocate for the Kurds
  • We need prayer warriors to lift up the Kurds before the throne
  • Volunteers to assist during medical projects
  • Ministry projects in remote villages for purposes of encouragement and discipleship
  • Volunteers to encourage the believers during teaching seminar projects.
  • Volunteers to encourage the field partners and church planters.

Kurds Partnership Leaders: Eric & Jill Dell

Email EricEmail Jill


The Ministry
We carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Lebanon for the purpose of seeing lives changed and communities transformed.

There are at least 19 different sects of People groups in Lebanon. Some of the more prominent ones are: Sunnis, Shiite, Druze, Maronites, Greek Orthodox, and Armenian Orthodox. Our work over the years has expanded from the streets of Beirut to the southern region, and to the fertile agricultural fields of the Bekaa Valley. We are reaching out to the many different religious sects and cultures of Lebanon (Christian, Muslim, and Orthodox). The fields are wide open. We hope to provide children’s programs and medical teams in the future.

Here are some opportunities to join God in His ministry to Lebanon:

  • English Teachers (short term and long term) to work among Syrian Refugees
  • Graphic Designer (short term and long term)
  • Website Developer
  • Home and street evangelism
  • Bible distribution
  • Humanitarian projects
  • Women’s and men’s programs
  • Prayer walking

Lebanon Partnership Leader: Doug Whitney

Email Doug


The Ministry
We are working with our field partners in London as they engage the many immigrant communities such as Bengalis and Somalis. These people groups represent some of the largest unreached peoples in the world. Our partner workers in London have a unique opportunity to engage these people aggressively with the Gospel, disciple new believers and see churches planted.

Our Partnership
We partner with missionaries in London to advance their strategic goals of engaging, discipling and church planting. In this new partnership, Woodstock will work with field personnel to advance these goals through strategic projects.


  • Join the emerging team of leaders within our church to develop resources and future teams to serve on the field.
  • If you have gifts in teaching and equipping, come and join in those teaching opportunities with teams.
  • Explore areas with us to help our field missionaries in areas such as business development and evangelism

London Partnership Leader: Steve Roe

Email Steve


Brunson Family

The Ministry
Darryl and Veronica Brunson lead Expedition Church. They have engaged the local community through service projects to build relationships and connect people to the church. Hunger and employment are areas of great need. Livingston is a small town of 8,000-10,000 people. Expedition is also working with small churches in other towns to succeed.

Our Partnership
FBCW works closely with Darryl and Veronica Brunson and Expedition Church by providing prayer, personal encouragement, financing, strategic projects, and critical ministry input. We are committed to mobilize, equip, and send short-term teams and long-term laborers to advance the work.

Please pray for:

  • A Partnership Leader and Leadership Team
  • Continued favor with the local community
  • Continued creativity for online and in person gatherings and encouragement
  • That the church family will stay connected and grow in the faith during difficult times
  • That the church family will continue to engage with and invite neighbors to Expedition

Contact: Wes Lecroy

Email WesCall Wes

Northeast US

Whittinghill Family

Mabry Family

The Ministry


Our Partner Ben Whittinghill leads River Town Church. They have engaged the local community through service projects to build relationships and connect people to the church.

New York

Our Partner Dean Mabry leads Ilion Community Church. They have engaged the local community to build relationships and connect people to the church.

Our Partnership
FBCW works closely with Ben Whittinghill (River Town Church) and Dean Mabry (Ilion Community Church) by providing prayer, personal encouragement, financing, strategic projects, and critical ministry input. We are committed to mobilize, equip, and send short- term teams and long-term laborers to advance the work.

Please pray for:

  • A Partnership Leader and Leadership Team
  • God to grant favor with the local community
  • Continued creativity for online gatherings and encouragement
  • That the church family will stay connected and grow in the faith during difficult times
  • That the church family will continue to engage with and invite neighbors

Contact: Wes Lecroy

Email WesCall Wes

North Africa

The Ministry
The North Africa Team has a vision to see healthy disciples, leaders, and churches multiplying among the nations of North Africa and among their diaspora in Western Europe. This region is considered the greatest gap in Church planting globally and represents over 110,000,000 Muslims from 88 Unreached People Groups. The North Africa Team is strategically engaging the lost, training and coaching believers across the region, and developing a network of like-minded laborers towards the fulfillment of the Great Commission in this region.

Our Partnership
FBCW works in close partnership with our North Africa Team to provide prayer, financing, strategic projects, and critical ministry input. We are committed to mobilize, equip, and send short-term and long-term laborers to advance the work in North Africa.

The people of FBCW have multiple opportunities to connect with this partnership in reaching the people groups of North Africa. Through committed prayer, financial giving, short-term trips, or long-term commitments, there are multiple ways to make an eternal impact for the kingdom of God. From students to senior adults, examples of Gospel sharing projects involve platforms such as arts, business, women ministry, and tourism. Contact us to learn more about project opportunities or becoming part of the partnership.

North Africa Partnership Leader John Keown

Email John


The Ministry

The ministry involves prayer (from a distance and/or walking in the land), development and distribution of the scriptures, evangelism, discipleship church planting, and some resourcing as appropriate. All of this is accomplished with field partners as main workers to sustain the vision and implementation of the work.

Prayer for a movement of God among the people group. Creating awareness and advocacy for the long term work.

Consistency in advocating for the work and keeping to the very difficult long term vision.

Our Partnership

We are working with our field partners to engage this unreached people group of approximately 30 million who have been persecuted for thousands of years.


Here are some opportunities to join God in His ministry to South Central Asia:

  • Join in the 7 day or 31 day prayer focus.
  • Participate with the core leadership team advocating for the work.
  • Reach out to the UPG who also live in the Woodstock area.
  • Participate on a short-term project.

We need multiple individuals with different skill sets and spiritual gifts:

  • Dental/Medical Professionals.
  • Athletic Teachers and Coaches.
  • Those with focuses on women from abusive homes and marriages.
  • Anyone with a desire to pray/walk and distribute gospel materials.
Email Persian Partnership Leader


Our Vision
The vision for the ministry is to assist Nationals in Church Planting efforts throughout Portugal and to develop leaders that will carry the Gospel back to their Portuguese-speaking countries throughout Africa.

The Ministry
Our ministry includes encouragement, teaching, youth camps, sports marathons & construction. The focus of our ministry is to encourage the people of Portugal and support our field partner though prayer, financial giving and service. To love & demonstrate “Kingdom Living” to the people of Portugal.

Our Partnership
Since 2000, we have partnered with Word of Life Portugal.

Here are some opportunities to join God in His ministry to Portugal:

  • Anyone who is willing to serve the Lord by loving others.
  • Anyone willing to teach and encourage young people.
  • Sports program volunteers.
  • Skilled general contractors, painters, plumbers & electricians.
  • Unskilled volunteer men, women & children to help with smaller projects.

Portugal Partnership Leader: Mark Cambron

Email Mark


The Ministry
As less than 0.2% of Poles are evangelical Christians, we are laboring to engage the unreached in Poland.

Our missionary in Poland, Pat, works to partner with national believers in order to establish reproducing churches. Two churches have already been established, and a third launch team has begun in the town of Legnica where they are with God’s help, forming a center where families’ lives can be touched wholistically (physically, mentally, emotionally, and of course spiritually). Relationships are developed through language classes, discussion and game clubs, sports and youth ministries, events such as ladies’ tea, Gospel workshops, VBS, and through Bible studies.

Our Partnership
A member of our FBCW faith family, Pat, has been partnering with SEND International and serving in Poland for the past 21 years.

Pat builds bridges to the Gospel by the friends she makes at the language school held at the Lubin Baptist Church and at our facility in Legnica. This year before the official registration has begun there are over 250 students from age 4 to nearly age 60. Through these friendships, Pat enjoys hanging out over a cup of coffee, tea, or a meal and sharing Christ and the difference He has made in her life. As these friendships deepen her students share their heartfelt needs and she has the privilege of praying with these students. She also has the opportunity to disciple women and see them grow in their walk with the Lord.

Because of the events in Ukraine, the team in Legnica has had the opportunity to house Ukrainian women and children. Some of the women have given their lives to Jesus. Pat along with other team members is discipling not only through walking daily with them but having a midweek meeting in the Word to help the ladies in their spiritual journey.

Pat would love to see others at FBCW excited about what God is doing in Poland. If you love sharing your faith or helping others grow in their walk and multiply themselves or if you are gifted in training leaders, please prayerfully consider how God may want to use you in Poland through your gifts and talents.

Prayer Requests

  • That God would protect new believers and churches against rampant false teachings.
  • Over the last 20 years, people have been praying for Legnica, but no church has been started. The team has a desire to see God bringing light and building His church in Lubin and Legnica.
  • The field needs English teachers (These are needed both in Lubin and Legnica). This is a great need at the moment and a great way for us to have contact with people and be able to share God’s love with families and individuals.
  • Satan’s attacks on missionaries and members of the church, using things like depression and panic attacks.

Poland Partnership Leader: Sue Schultz

Email Sue

South France

The Ministry
We are working with our field partners in southern France as they build a training and discipleship network focused on North African immigrants. These people groups are some of the largest remaining in north Africa. Our partner workers in southern France have a unique opportunity to engage these people aggressively with the Gospel, disciple new believers and deploy them back to their home countries.

Our Partnership
We partner with missionaries in southern France to advance their strategic goals of engaging, discipling and church planting. In this new partnership, Woodstock will work with field personnel to advance these goals through strategic projects, prayer and focused giving.

Here are some opportunities to join in the ministry from France to North Africa:

  • Join the emerging team of leaders within our church to develop resources and future teams to serve on the field.
  • If you have gifts in teaching, equipping, and evangelism, come and join in those teaching opportunities with teams.
  • Explore areas with us to help our field missionaries in areas of resource development and prayer.
  • Have your Sunday School / Small Group join with the France to North Africa leadership team to support our partners in Southern France through prayer, financially, logistically and lovingly.

South France Partnership Leaders: Sam Warner

Email SamCall Sam

Southeast Asia–Batik Crossroads

The Ministry
In this country that is a crossroads of many Asian cultures, we are partnering with teams that engaging an unreached Muslim people group of 14,000,000. Through business and tourism development, education and social media engagement, this team is laboring to access this people with less than 20 known believers.

Our Partnership
We partner with missionaries and their teams to facilitate a far-reaching vision of discipleship and church planting, particularly in areas of business development, tourism development, and social media engagement. The end of all these labors is gospel sharing, disciple-making and church planting.

Here are some opportunities to join in the ministry among this Muslim people group:

  • Join the developing team of leaders within our church to develop resources and future teams to serve on the field.
  • If you have experience and gifts in the areas of business development, social media and website development, or would like to be a part of a tourism team to pray and share the gospel, we would like to talk to you! Work with our us as we develop teams that will assist our field partners to develop deeper access into this very resistant people group.
  • Become a prayer partner and educate your small group or Sunday school group about the needs and opportunities of this partnership.

Southeast Asia Partnership Leader: Shannon Salyer

Email Shannon

Southeast Asia–Island of Buffalo and Sharia

The Ministry
Our partners live on the largest island in the largest Muslim country in the world. They are actively engaging one unreached people group who has a deep cultural reverence for water buffalo, while the other distinguishes itself by being one of the most radical Islamic people living under strict sharia law. Our partners are seeking to share the gospel, make disciples and plant churches in this difficult environment. Their main mode of access is through tourism development, business training and relief of human needs.

Our Partnership
We partner our missionaries sent out by FBC Woodstock to facilitate a far-reaching vision of discipleship and church planting, particularly utilizing tourism and business development as a means to build access to these peoples

Here are some opportunities to join in the ministry among these Muslim peoples:

  • Join the developing team of leaders within our church to develop resources and future teams to serve on the field.
  • If you have experience and gifts in the areas of business development or would like to be a part of a strategic tourism team focused on gospel sharing, we invite you to work with us as we develop teams that will assist our field partners to develop deeper access into these very resistant people group.
  • Become a prayer partner and educate your small group or Sunday school group about the needs and opportunities of this partnership.

Southeast Asia Partnership Leader: Cliff Fortenberry

Email Cliff

Southeast Asia–Land of 10,000 Pagodas

The Ministry
Our partners are laboring to plant reproducing churches among one of the largest unreached Buddhist people groups in the world. We are sending resources and teams to facilitate their vision of going deeply into this people of over 30,000,000 people in desperate need of the Gospel.

Our Partnership
We partner with missionaries and their team to facilitate a far-reaching vision of discipleship and church planting, particularly in areas of business development and community health.

Here are some opportunities to join in the ministry among this Buddhist people group:

  • Join the developing team of leaders within our church to develop resources and future teams to serve on the field.
  • If you have experience and gifts in the areas of business development and community health, work with our us as we develop teams that will assist our field partners to develop deeper access into this very resistant people group.
  • Become a prayer partner and educate your small group or Sunday school group about the needs and opportunities of this partnership.

Southeast Asia Partnership Leader: Tyler Peeler

Email Tyler

Sports Ministry

The Ministry
You can go into any community and find some type of sports activity taking place. Sports is a platform that breaks down barriers and allows people to interact and have conversations that may not otherwise happen.

We invite you to join us in the following opportunities to share the love of Christ with our community through sports.


We have over a thousand students participating in our Upward sports ministry. We offer basketball, soccer, flag football & cheerleading for students from 4yrs old through high school. You can join us in ministering to these players and their families as a coach, referee or volunteer.

  • Soccer Coaches: Invest in students w/ one practice a week and one game a week.
  • Soccer Referee: Keep the games in order and encourage the students as they play.
  • Open Gym Basketball: Invest in men’s lives through a game. Once a week running open gym & sharing the gospel.

For more information go to

There are numerous recreation leagues and schools offering sports activities. Join us as a chaplain, coach, player or parent to participate in these leagues to intentionally minister to those participating in these leagues.

For more information go to

Director of Sports Ministry: Wes LeCroy

Learn MoreEmail Wes

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