Our Procedures on Campus:
In light of Covid-19, we have done our best to align with procedures to provide a clean and welcoming atmosphere during this difficult time.
Due to the size of our auditorium, we have several great options for you. The auditorium floor is first come, first serve, and people can select their seats with no current restrictions.
If you prefer socially distanced seating, we offer a section in our balcony to accommodate you! You will find signage upon arrival that encourages social distancing for our guests in this area. You are always welcome and able to leave additional gap seats at your discretion.
Hand sanitizer will be available at all entrances to the Worship Center, and we will not pass giving plates or communion elements during our gatherings. Offerings and tithes can be dropped off at the exits of the Worship Center or contributed digitally for a fully touch-less experience.
While we don’t require masks, we encourage you to take whatever steps are necessary to feel comfortable and protected. If you prefer a mask-only worship experience, the balcony offers a Mask Only section. If you prefer not to attend worship with unmasked attendees, we invite you to continue worshiping with us online until you can comfortably return.
Thank you for your continued grace and patience as we evaluate this situation in our community.