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Helping people find and follow Jesus
from Woodstock to the world

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We desire for our church to be filled with a passion for prayer

Download this free prayer guide from Pastor Jeremy!

When you visit, you will experience:


Gather together

Experience God’s love through Christ-centered worship. We desire to use our creative gifts and abilities as acts of worship to lift up the name of Jesus above our own.


Join a Group

Build authentic community with others. We are committed to talking about things that matter and growing alongside each other in God’s Word. We are better together!

Join a Group


Serve + Share

Live on mission from Woodstock to the world! Take opportunities to help out in your community and seek ways to share Christ with the world.

Serve + Share
Ready to visit?

1. Come to Church

We meet in-person and online on Sunday morning at 9:30AM and 11AM.

2. Get Connected

Fill out a connect card or text the word “Welcome” to 678.831.6489. Our Connections Team will help you start your journey at First Baptist Woodstock.

3. Grow in Christ and Community

Get involved with discipleship opportunities and grow in your faith.

Meet the Team

Since the beginning of First Baptist Woodstock in 1837, we have invested in the Woodstock community and are passionate about sharing the gospel throughout our city and the world. We have a committed team of leaders who are excited to use their abilities to the glory of God and the good of this community.

About us

My husband and I serve here because we’ve been in tough situations in our life, and we know what it’s like to struggle. We don’t think anyone should go hungry, and getting to help others is a blessing.


It’s deeply encouraging to see the way these men respond to any kind of opportunity to bless others. If iron sharpens iron, then these are the kind of men I want sharpening me.


Serving the community is such a blessing. I hear stories of hardships families have, and I get to pray with them and encourage them that God has not left their side. I also love that I get to watch my coworkers serve people so well.


God is not silent with His people. He desires to use people to build up His kingdom, and He uses people who come to Him with hearts open to His wisdom, guidance, and power.


It’s all about that middle-of-the-week connection with fellow believers. I love getting to see our students in different settings, and I wouldn’t want to miss an opportunity to invest in them.


After I joined, I began looking for ways to give my talents, treasure and time to the church. I considered joining orchestra, but I was able to listen in on a Wednesday night band practice. Shortly after that, I began playing with the team.


Share Your God Story

What is God doing in your life? Celebrate what He's teaching you, or maybe how He has provided for you in a particular season!
Share Your Story
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