Attend Mission Lab on Sunday, February 23, at 5:00PM in the Vision Room to gain a deeper understanding of World Missions. You’ll hear from “Sent Ones” Jonathan and Mayson Foreman, who serve in Portugal, and Pat Weathersbee, serving in Poland.
First Woodstock is hosting the Resilience Conference next month! The conference theme centers around finding renewed strength through scripture-fed, Spirit-led, worship-based prayer. FBCW church members will receive a 70% discount for the full conference when registering before March 1.
Fill-a-Bag sale is happening on Saturday, February 22, from 9:00AM – 1:00PM! Bags are provided, and you can fill up as many as you want for just $5.00 per bag. When you shop at the First Woodstock Thrift Store, all proceeds support the ongoing work of our Care Ministry.
Life Initiatives and Values frame life issues in love through prayer, education, and service. They spotlight ways to get involved in the sanctity of human life while energizing and equipping others to take compassionate action. They also provide pregnancy resources to families in need. You can attend a meeting in the Lower Level of the B-Building on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30PM.
For more information, email Suzanne Guy.
Bethesda Community Clinic offers free medical care to those in need in our community. First Baptist Woodstock and another local church jointly sponsor this monthly clinic. You can help in the following ways: non-medical translation, prayer, distributing free food, setting up, and tear down.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 tells us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, and that God purchased us with a price! Let’s honor, praise, and worship God by caring for our bodies through physical fitness! Ladies, join us on Monday mornings at 10:00AM in Room B102/103.